
Provisional programme of the conference for November, 26

November 26, 2010, Friday
10.00 ‑ 16.00
Extramural planning workshops “Sustainable rural development based on balanced interactions between man and nature in the North”
Venue: Pryazhinsky National Municipal District, Republic of Karelia
Departure by bus from KarRC of RAS building
(Pushkinskaya St., 11)
10.00 ‑ 12.00
Promotion of the territory’s tourism potential based on its historical and cultural heritage
Venue: Essoilskoye rural municipality
Organizers: Essoilskoye Municipality Administration; Institute of Economic Studies
Number of participants: 40 persons
10.00 ‑ 12.00
Promotion of the social responsibility of the local community
Venue: Vedlozerskoye rural municipality
Organizers: Vedlozerskoye Municipality Administration; State Committee of Republic of Karelia on National Politics and Relations with Religious Associations
Number of participants: 20 persons
10.00 ‑ 13.00
Contribution of the youth to development of local self-government
Venue: Pryazhinskoye Urban Municipality
Organizers: Pryazhinskoye Municipality Administration; Interregional Youth Movement “AWARD Association”
Number of participants: 40 persons
13.00 ‑ 14.00
Lunch in the Town of Pryazha
14.00 ‑ 16.00
Discussion of the Public Strategy for Development of the Creative Potential of the Youth and Their Mentors living in the North (Pryazhinskoye municipality); closing of the conference
Venue: Pryazhinskoye Urban Municipality
Organizers: PryazhinskoyeMunicipalityAdministration
Departure for Petrozavodsk

NP «North-Centre», 2009-2013