«NordCompostEd» project partners discussed the organic waste recycling on urban nature festival «Let`s go to the park!»

3 august 2020

On July 26, the urban nature festival «Let`s go to the park!» was held in Kaliningrad (project pilot territory). Within the festival, there was the citizens` meeting «Zero waste in nature and in the city»: «NordCompostEd» project was presented by Aleksandr Kandinov, «Ecodvor» project organizer, Kaliningrad, and the expert from  the Environmental School of Finland SYKLI – Natalia Ripatti and Taru Uotila told the participants about Finland experience.

The meeting broadcast in the Russian language can be seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph3qFcRjIX8&feature=youtu.be