

1 november 2021
On the 27th of October the final seminar «NordCompostEd: the experience of the educational project on the organic waste management in the cities of North-West Russia and Europe» was held within XIX Annual Strategic Planning Forum.
29 october 2021
On October, 25 – 27 the study tour for the international eco-educational project «NordCompostEd» project partners and target audiences was organized.
21 december 2020
On December, 14 – 19, the online training on organic waste was organized for volunteers, eco-activists and teachers within the framework of the international project «NordCompostEd».
27 november 2020
Successful cross-border projects on sustainable tourism in the Barents region were presented at the webinar on sustainable nature tourism held on November, 25.
30 september 2020
Association «North-Centre» organizes the drawing contest for schoolchildren from the Republic of Karelia from 1-6 grades. The contest is organized within CBC "Karelia" SUPER.
3 august 2020
«NordCompostEd» project was presented on urban nature festival «Let`s go to the park!» in Kaliningrad.
8 july 2020
On July, 2 «NordCompostEd» project partners participated in the first unite work meeting online.
6 march 2020
On March, 3 the representatives of the Association «North-Centre» participated in the seminar «Current environmental issues of the World Ocean: plastic in the ocean» organized within the Russian-Norwegian Сooperation Day in the Karelian research centre of RAS.
27 february 2020
On February, 1 we started the implementation of the international project "NordCompostEd" within the Nordic Council of Ministers’ programme for NGO co-operation in the Baltic Sea Region.
25 november 2019
On October, 28–30, Association «North-Centre» representatives Alexandra Smirnova and Alexandra Efimova participated in the XVIII Strategic Planning Leaders Forum in St. Petersburg.
3 october 2019
The «North-centre» representatives participated in the III International business forum «New business opportunities» in Kostomuksha.
30 september 2019
On September, 27 Karelian Karelian Research Centre RAS was hosting the VI International conference «Prospects for socio-economic development of border regions».